snaggz03 escreveu:
> Thanks, Sergio. I have now confirmed that is located
> in C:\Python2.6\Scripts .  So the symlink wasn not what was keepig my
> admin site from working properly or at all.  I was following along
> with the django tutorial from , modifying it to
> my own project as I went.  The setup of the admin site seems like it
> should be the same despite my building a different project than the
> tutorial.  Any ideas of what I should look for to get my admin site
> working?

Since you are a beginner  i recommend you  follow  tutorial part 1 and 
2, set-by-step.
If you get any error in some step, you need to stop and check last steps.
After you got the tutorial admin example running you can made changes to 
fit to your project or build a new one and use your tutorial as reference.

Anyway,  what error message are you getting ?

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