2009/3/3 Daniel Roseman <roseman.dan...@googlemail.com>

> On Mar 3, 9:50 am, burcu hamamcıoğlu <borco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I wrote a query like : applications =
> > Application.objects.filter(name__contains=searchText)
> > I want to get the applications filtered by searchText. If the app. name
> is
> > "Guitar" and my serachText is "guitar", django can't find it, makes the
> > query in case-sensitive format. How can i ignore this.?
> We try to be helpful here, but sometimes I have to ask why you
> couldn't have found the answer yourself. A simple search of the Django
> documentation - using the search box helpfully provided on every page
> - for the word 'insensitive' provided the correct syntax as the top
> result.
> --
> DR.
> >
You probably want icontains actually, since your original query was


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