I've got an error using ModelMultipleChoiceField, but don't guess

my form is :

class SearchForm(forms.Form):
    titulos = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Titulo.objects.all
().order_by('tipo'), label='Títulos')

in my template I insert it with:

<form  method="POST" action="/curriculums/buscarCurriculum">
{% for field in form %}
    <span>{{ field.label_tag }}</span>
    <span>{{ field }}</span>
{% endfor %}
<span><input type="image" src="/media/img/admin/icon_addlink.gif"
alt="Submit button"></span>

but when I try to get values in my view:

if request.POST:
    titulos=[ Titulo.objects.filter(pk=i) for i in request.POST

I get the next values:
titulos: [<Titulo: Licenciatura, Biología>] (note that's only one)
num: 1
POST: <QueryDict: {u'y': [u'2'], u'titulos': [u'1', u'2'], u'x':

It seems that POST is ok, but cannot process it

¿any help?
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