On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Sushant Sinha <sushant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree with you that a user code can best determine whether to roll
> back or commit. However, I think this is not reflected in the
> documentation for the models at all.
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/instances/?from=olddocs
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/#topics-db-models
> My understanding is that updates/insert/delete to database models are
> handled as auto-commit transactions (each model query is itself a
> transaction). However, in case of a failure, django gives me a bad state
> of the database. And my rest of the code fails if I do not explicitly
> handle the transaction commit/rollover. This seems really problematic
> for the programmer.
> If a single query fails, then what does commit mean. Shouldn't we do
> just rollover as commit has no meaning?

See this thread:


for a long discussion of why Django's "autocommit-like" mode is the way it
is.  It's a subject I haven't followed in any great detail but I think the
upshot is that when the ticket mentioned in that thread gets committed, you
will be able to configure things to use "native" autocommit, in which case I
expect you will not need to worry about commit or rollback after an error.
At the moment, though, whenever your code catches a database-related
exception, it does need to worry about cleaning up the transaction before
attempting more database operations.


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