2009/2/26 Matthias Kestenholz <matthias.kestenh...@gmail.com>:
> Hey,
> A topic which comes up on this list from time to time is an automatic
> admin interface for django-mptt. I'd like to advertise a piece of code
> we have written at our company a little bit, and I'd also like to invite
> everyone to give comments and feedbacks. I do have many more ideas
> floating around, and there are a couple of issues still open, but I think
> the code is ready for wider review and maybe usage, who knows?
> The current version of the code generates an interface with drag/drop
> capabilities for managing mptt-based trees. It's still very clear that the
> code was extracted from a `classical' page cms. All you need to do
> is the following:
> -- 8< --
> from django.db import models
> class Category(models.Model):
>    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
>    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='children',
> blank=True, null=True)
> -- 8< --
> from django.contrib import admin
> from feincms.admin import editor
> class CategoryAdmin(editor.TreeEditorMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
>    pass
> admin.site.register(Category, CategoryAdmin)
> -- 8< --
> The generated admin interface looks like that:
> http://spinlock.ch/pub/feincms/category_tree_admin.png
> The page cms feeling is still very much there, but we'll see.
> In any case, you'll find the code on github:
> http://github.com/matthiask/feincms/tree/master
> Thanks,
> Matthias

It seems very nice. I'm going to give it a try. :)

Thank you!

Antoni Aloy López
Blog: http://trespams.com
Site: http://apsl.net

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