Thank you for your replies,

Adding a slash does no good when it comes to calling static files
using serve(). It works different than the regexp for calling a def
from because it searches for directories, file extensions

swaping the lines produces an "error 32, broken pipe".
I have been trying to figure out why but i did not find anything yet.
The parameters though are read and printed. I can not manage to do sth
with Error handling.

Any further suggestions?

On Feb 25, 7:23 pm, Raffaele Salmaso <>
> Adonis wrote:
> > (r'^appname/mainpage/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
> > {'document_root': '/mesa'}),
> this takes *everything* as 'path'> 
> (r'^appname/mainpage/(?P<xexe>\d+)/(?P<path>.*)$',
> > 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '/mesa'}),
> this takes only digits as 'xexe', but it never get called because it
> cames after .*
> swap them as
> (r'^appname/mainpage/(?P<xexe>\d+)/(?P<path>.*)$',
>  'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '/mesa'}),
> (r'^appname/mainpage/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
>  {'document_root': '/mesa'}),
> --
> ()_() | That said, I didn't actually _test_ my patch.      | +----
> (o.o) | That's what users are for!                         | +---+
> 'm m' |                                   (Linus Torvalds) |  O  |
> (___) |                      raffaele at salmaso punto org |
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