Thanks again for all your help.

I believe I have something that is finally working:

class WideOrDeepNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, photoobj, varname):
        self.photoobj = photoobj
        self.varname = varname
    def render(self, context):
       self.photoobj = resolve_variable(self.photoobj, context)
       context[self.varname] = self.photoobj.width <=
       return ''

def do_get_wideordeep(parser, token):
    Checks to see if the photo  is horizontal (and square) or
vertical. Will return '1' if it is vertical. Otherwise returns '0'.

        {% get_wideordeep [as varname] %}
    bits = token.contents.split()
    if len(bits) == 2:
        photoobj = bits[1]
        varname = 'image_is_vertical'
    elif len(bits) == 4:
        photoobj = bits[1]
        varname = bits[3]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "'%s' tag takes either one
or two arguments" % bits[0]
    return WideOrDeepNode(photoobj,varname)

On Feb 22, 7:30 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Sun, 2009-02-22 at 16:23 -0800, David MacDougall wrote:
> > Hi Malcolm
> >  You are right about the essence of the problem.
> >  The value of photoobj is
> > "'homepage.get_piece_dict.lead_story.get_lead_photo" and I am trying
> > to get it to be an integer, the id  of the photo I am trying to
> > measure.
> So you have to resolve that string the same way the template code does.
> In Django 0.91, that was the resolve_variable() function, which you can
> see being used a lot in django/core/templates/
> It's currently not even close to something you can use as a pk value in
> a filter.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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