
I am using the excellent django-profiles module provided by
Ubernostrum which gives my site the following views:

- list members
- view member
- edit member

The module handles all of the views and urls so basically all I had to
do was write templates and put a slug into my urls.py.

The requirements for my site are that all of these pages require a
login. However the module only adds the @login_required decorator to
the edit page and leaves the list members and edit members views

How do I add a login check to the other two views? A couple of not
great options I've though of are:

1. Copy and paste the views to my own module and add the decorator
myself. Bad because I've overridden core functionality of a module.
2. Handle permissions at the template level. Not ideal because the
rest of my site handles it at the view level and I don't want to mix

Is there another, simpler way of doing it?

Kevin Audleman
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