>>>>> "Malcolm" == Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com> writes:

Malcolm> Atom sydnication and Atom publishing are standardised protocols
Malcolm> that have gone through the IETF process and are used in lots of
Malcolm> situations, weblogging being only one example. 


Malcolm> The Metaweblog API has not had the same level of
Malcolm> standardisation and is targeted at blogging-style applications
Malcolm> exclusively. It's also RPC-oriented, rather than REST-oriented,
Malcolm> which isn't particularly good practice in a web-oriented domain
Malcolm> space.

Yep, I'm aware of it, but according to "..a blind uncle is better than
no uncle" and Django does not have 'official' support (some blog app
like http://byteflow.su/ticket/43 apparently have added some support,
although we would expect more in Django) for either of them, MetaWeblog
could serve the purpose of remote-publishing, at least for some time...

Malcolm> Atom publishing is always going to have an edge in situations
Malcolm> like that, simply because it's a more appropriate general
Malcolm> protocol.

I fully agree with it....



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