On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 19:32 -0800, mediumgrade wrote:
> So, I have a form like this:
> <tt>
> class AddUserForm(forms.Form):
>     username = forms.CharField(label='Username', required=False)
>     password1 = forms.CharField(label='Password',
> widget=forms.PasswordInput)
>     password2 = forms.CharField(label='Password (Again)',
> widget=forms.PasswordInput)
>     first_name = forms.CharField(label='First Name')
>     last_name = forms.CharField(label='Last Name')
>     email = forms.EmailField(label='Email')
>     group = forms.ModelChoiceField(label='Group',
> queryset=Group.objects.all())
>     team = forms.ModelChoiceField(label='Team',
> queryset=Team.objects.all())
>     def save(self):
>         //Some custom procedures here
>         return u

So in the interests of effective debugging, what happens when you reduce
this to the simplest possible example? In this case, that would be a
form with exactly one field. Say, the "username" field and nothing else.
If that works, add in another field. Rinse, wash, repeat, until the
problem appears. Then try to remove the fields that you already know
work, etc.

I would expect that you will be able to get it down to a form containing
only one or two fields that demonstrates the problem.


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