On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Nicolas Steinmetz <nsteinm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Nicolas Steinmetz a écrit :
> >
> > Thanks for the answer. I'll implement the 2nd method, which makes far
> > more sens than my first "harsh and straight away" approach ;-)
> Solution was finally :
>         try:
>             tips ={'google': google(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'googlefr': googlefr(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'dmoz': dmoz(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'ask': ask(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'yahoo': yahoo(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'msn': msn(request.POST['search'], number),
>             'excite': excite(request.POST['search'], number)}.get(engine)
>         except KeyError:
>             tips=google(request.POST['search'], number)
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> >
Remember when you do that it's going to call every single one of those
functions regardless of which engine is actually selected.


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