On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 03:26 -0800, proteus...@gmail.com wrote:
>  I've been following the discussion about supporting multiple
> databases within one project (primarily on a per-app or per-model
> basis) with interest and look forward to the feature getting
> solidified and implemented into the trunk one day. That doesn't appear
> to be a near term event, however, so I was curious what people are
> doing to address database scalability issues on a practical basis
> currently.

The most direct write-up I know of is something Barbara Shaurette wrote
based on some scribblings I did on this list a while back. See

>     For example, the Django Auth and Sessions models could absolutely
> be deployed onto their own database servers as we do no foreign key
> joins to any of those and they have a lot of traffic that I'd like to
> not be on my other app db servers.

That would be tricky, since the best solution is to add a custom
manager, which means modifying built-in models. Modifying the database
storage behaviour of third-party models is always going to be tricky, I
suspect (even when multi-db support is in Django proper).

My gut feeling is that the right view to take on things here is that the
third-party stuff (stuff you don't control) should go into the
"standard" database and things you do control can have custom managers
that direct them to read and/or write somewhere else. I've seen a few
implementations of that approach (and whilst I haven't seen what
Barbara's done, it sounds like she made it work, too) and they seem to
work fairly well.


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