2009/2/10 Alessandro <alessandro.ron...@gmail.com>

> 2009/2/10 Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com>
>> i.e., plural modules, not singular module, in the Max lookup. It's the
>> reverse lookup name for the module relationship on Module_scheme. For
>> future reference, the message on the FieldError tells you the right
>> name - modules.
Is it possible to do a group by of a time selection, like GROUP BY
DAY(time_field) ?

I need to make a query like this:

SELECT SUM(peak), giorno FROM (SELECT MAX(power_peakdaily) AS peak
,DAY(time) AS giorno FROM fotovoltaico_modules, fotovoltaico_module_scheme
WHERE fotovoltaico_module_scheme.plant_id=%s AND year(time)= %s AND
month(time)=%s AND scheme_id=fotovoltaico_module_scheme.id GROUP BY
fotovoltaico_module_scheme.id, DAY(time) ORDER BY DAY(time)) AS tabella
GROUP BY giorno ;"%( year, month, self.id))

Alessandro Ronchi
Skype: aronchi

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