Hy guys,
Many thanks for your replies, a brief but strong lessons about python and

Indeed, I went for a solution similar to what Malcolm suggested. I am using
a file with env variables to be loaded.

Thanks a lot guys again. The webserver is up and now we are just tunning the
feel&look and tweaking css etc.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 03:42, Graham Dumpleton

> On Feb 12, 12:09 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 10:56 +0000, Alan wrote:
> > >  Hi list,
> >
> > > My problem is that: since when using apache + mod_wsgi I got a neutral
> > > env for my server (e.g. PATH=/usr/bin:/bin) but in the end what I need
> > > is all the envs that is in a particular $HOME/.bashrc file in order to
> > > when server spawns a program (that may not be in the neutral PATH and
> > > besides need some extra env parameters) it can run.
> >
> > > So what I was trying is to find a python module or code that would do
> > > something like ". $HOME/basrc" inside my python code and before
> > > executing my binary program in order to pass to it the particular
> > > user's environment.
> >
> > The concept of $HOME or "user" doesn't really make sense for Apache.
> > Well, it does, but the user running the Apache process will typically
> > not have a home directory (or even be a login-enabled account). That's
> > one clue that this probably isn't a neat solution.
> For Apache when using mod_python or embedded mode of mod_wsgi, very
> true, $HOME can be various things, as can variables such as $USER,
> When Apache is started as part of operating system startup scripts at
> boot time, then they would normally reflect the environment of the
> 'root' user.
> If Apache is started using 'sudo' then what they are will depend upon
> whether or not the -H option is supplied to 'sudo'. If -H option is
> used, then they will again be that for 'root' user. If -H option is
> not used, then they would normally correspond to that of the user who
> ran 'sudo'.
> In other words, quite unpredictable and not something to be relied up.
> It is this reason why Python egg cache location will not always work
> properly under Apache embedded mode, as it could be calculated to be
> under 'root' account, in which case directory not creatable or
> writable as Apache user, or it could be that of the user who ran
> 'sudo'. In the latter everything may appear to work because they have
> done stuff by hand to populate the cache, but when they reboot and it
> decides to use root Python egg cache instead, everything breaks.
> For Apache when using mod_wsgi daemon mode, $HOME ill be correct as
> mod_wsgi forces it to be so. This isn't done for embedded mode as it
> is a shared environment with other Apache modules and bad practice to
> make decision that can set it right.
> In mod_wsgi 2.X, $USER, $USERNAME or $LOGNAME will be still be wrong.
> This has been fixed for mod_wsgi 3.0 though. Consequence of it being
> wrong is that some Python packages can screw up because they believe
> this value rather than determine what effective uid of process it.
> Luckily only seen it causing a problem is logged error messages. For
> example, if Trac has permissions problem it uses these variables to
> say who it thinks the process runs as, which will not actually be true
> and is quite confusing when looking at messages.
> Anyway, I would agree with Malcolm as far as not trying to rely on
> user shell environment. Too easy for a slight change in user
> environment to inadvertantly break your web application.
> Graham
> >

Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK.

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