On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:09 PM, igorlash <igorl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But if you take a look at Makefile you will find that this file has
> only creating folders and running processes. So make isn't used as
> real build tool in django.

If this is what you believe, then you either don't understand what
make does, or you don't understand how to read make files. Either way,
I suggest doing some reading and experimentation.

>> Make was used because it is suited to the task, is free, is widely
>> available, and is widely understood as a build tool.
> Make is widely understood between C++ developers. (I used to develop
> in C++ that's why I know something about make). I looks like decision
> to use make was taken by C++ developer in past. So if this decision
> were taken by java developer , every user of django would know ant.
> Correct ?

Rubbish. Make is widely understood by anyone that has spent more than
30 minutes working with Unix, or has graduated from a CS course at any
halfway decent university.

Even if this wasn't true - you don't need to understand make files to
use them. If you're using a unix system, you won't even need to
install make - in all probability, it's already installed. Typing
'make html' really isn't that hard.

>> there isn't an existing pure Python
>> build system that has anywhere near the level of acceptance and
>> availability as make.
> http://www.scons.org/.

You are going to stand there and say, hand on your heart, that scons
has the same level of community acceptance and availability as make?

The core developers, myself included, aren't going to spend effort
rebuilding a build system that works _perfectly well_ right now, just
to satisfy your dislike of Make. Like it or not, Make works, it is
widely understood, and it's available everywhere. Even if Ant and
Scons were good tools, they simply aren't available as part of the
default OS install in the same way that make is.

I have no interest in going round and round discussing a decision
that, quite frankly, doesn't matter as much as you seem to think it
does. I've explained our reasoning, and explained our intentions.
Barring some stunning contribution, I'm going to stop responding to
this thread.

Russ Magee %-)

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