
You can use the sorted() function in Python to order any iterable. It
asks for a key to order by, which can be a lambda, or you could use
the operator module to get attributes of the object(s) in your
QuerySet object to provide the key.

My $0.02,

On Jan 29, 12:38 pm, lollerikken <lollerik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, sorry about my English, but I hope that it is understandable
>   I am having some trouble using order_by with Django.
>   I think it would be easier to explain what I want with an example:
>   fx if I have this table:
> key ref
> 1  a
> 2  g
> 3  a
> 4  c
> 5  g
> 6  g
> I would like to sort it like this:
> key ref
> 2  g
> 5  g
> 6  g
> 1  a
> 3  a
> 4  c
> because there is the highest count of g's etc.
> My google search suggested that I should use something called annotate
> combined with count, but it does not work.
> I have tried something like:
> table.objects.values('key',
> 'ref').annotate(nr_ref=Count('ref')).order_by('nr_ref')
> but without any luck.
> --
> View this message in 
> context:http://www.nabble.com/order-by-count-tp21732508p21732508.html
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