I think that I realised what is the problem.

Karen, just add a TextField to the Book model (say, "description =
models.TextField()"), try to search for something and you'll see that error
message. I'm not 100% sure about it, coz I tested this at work and then came

Probably is the same bug reported here:

I think that you'll have to drop the hole userspace and run ryncdb again
after adding the 'description' attribute, right?

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I cannot recreate any problem using your sample models

Well, to be honest, this book example was just to illustrate what I want,
but actually I was using another class name and class attributes. So I tried
using this book example and it also worked here!

>   I'm using Oracle 10g Express on Windows, cx_Oracle 4.4, Django 1.0 (and I
> don't know what that instantclient thing is so I'm not sure I have any
> corresponding thing on Windows).

instantclient is the Oracle Client, which brings the lib that helps to
connects to oracle server (libclntsh.so).

João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação
Analista de Sistemas - Infraestrutura

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