On Jan 27, 2009, at 9:45 PM, Rama Vadakattu wrote:

> Eric,
> can you please show me the code snippet of specifying a logfile in
> settings.py.

Sure, here's something I use to keep a separate log of requests to an  
RSS feed:

LOG_FILE = '/path/to/log/file.log'

import logging
from mysite.settings import LOG_FILE as lf

... # later in the file

feedlog = logging.FileHandler(lf)
form = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(message)s")
root = logging.getLogger('')

def feedlogger(fn):
     def wrapper(request,*args,**kwargs):
         root.info("%s %s" % (request.path,  
         resp = fn(request,*args,**kwargs)
         return resp
     return wrapper

Then I import the feedlogger wrapper into my urls.py and wrap the  
appropriate function there. The syntax for the logging handler is a  
bit of a PITA, but that's just how Python logging works...

Hope that helps,

> On Jan 27, 6:37 pm, Eric Abrahamsen <gir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Thomas Guettler wrote:
>>> Rama schrieb:
>>>> please look at the below logging.conf file.
>>>> ...
>>>> can any one  guide me on how to avoid hardcoding of log file path ?
>>> Hi,
>>> I am not a logging expert, maybe there is a solution, but if you
>>> do your setup with python code, you can use e.g.  
>>> os.environ['HOME'] or
>>> settings.FOO.
>> This last (specifying a logfile in settings.py) has always worked  
>> very
>> nicely for me.
>> E
>>> I never used a logging.conf file.
>>> HTH,
>>>  Thomas
>>> BTW: This is a pure python question. You get more and better answers
>>> on the newsgroup comp.lang.python.
>>> --
>>> Thomas Guettler,http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
>>> E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de
> >

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