On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 17:51 -0800, saved...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello Malcolm,
> Thanks for you reply.  Unfortunately, there is no 404 error message.
> For some reason (beyond the scope of my django knowledge), the view
> just won't redirect. The scope of my django knowledge.  Here are my
> simple urls, if that is of any assistance.
> urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.list_detail',
>     (r'^$', 'object_list', info_dict),
>     (r'^(?P<object_id>\d+)/answer/$', 'object_detail', info_dict),
> )
> urlpatterns += patterns('',
>     (r'^(?P<question_id>\d+)/answer/$',
> 'languagen.questions.views.answer'),
> )
> I'm not sure on how I should 

Stop trying to debug this through the browser and be prepared to debug
the Python code. I've suggested twice now (this is the third time) that
you put some print statements in your code to show the values of various

If you're running with Django's runserver, they will print to the
console. If you're serving your pages through something like Apache,
print to sys.stderr and the output will go the http error log.

Attempting to debug this in the browser is like trying to bake a cake
whilst being at the other end of the house from the kitchen. You have to
get closer to the problem. Use the browser to trigger the problem (i.e.
request the page), but it's your Python code that is behaving
erratically, so debug that, not the browser output.

Put in a print statement to work out which branch of the "if" test is
being taken. Print out the value of q.next.get_absolute_url(). Print out
anything else that might help you decide which lines of code are being
executed. This is very normal debugging technique.


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