Malcom is absolutely right, apologies for sending untested code to the


On Jan 20, 4:53 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 11:00 -0800, Derek Payton wrote:
> > The issue is that CLIENT_CHOICES is only evaluated once, when the
> > server is started an all the code is loaded into memory. Try wrapping
> > it all in a function, thusly:
> >     choices = [
> >         ('', 'Select Client'),
> >     ]
> >     clients = CustomerMaster.objects.all().order_by('customer_name')
> >     for client in clients:
> >         choices.extend([(, client.customer_name)])
> >     return choices
> > class CreateForm(forms.Form):
> >         client = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CLIENT_CHOICES())
> > Now, every time the model is loaded, CLIENT_CHOICES() will be called
> > and you'll get fresh values.
> Everything correct, except that "every time" means "exactly once; when
> the module is imported". You haven't changed anything. The
> CLIENT_CHOICES() function is called when the form definition is parsed.
> (Also, the black helicopter briagde will be arriving at your house soon,
> to talk to you about not naming your function with all capital letters.
> Please take their advice to heart. We don't like having to send them
> around twice.)
> If somebody wants to initialise the choices afresh, each time a form
> instance is created, you have to do it in __init__. For example:
>         class CreateForm(forms.Form):
>            client = forms.ChoiceField(choices=())
>            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>               super(CreateForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>               self.fields["client"].choices = CLIENT_CHOICES()
> The __init__ method on a class is only called when you create an
> *instance* of the class (not at import time) and it is called every such
> time. So this sets the "choices" attribute on the "client" field to a
> fresh value for each instance.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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