
It's hard to say what's going wrong with the code you provided, but I
can say a few things. Since you don't get an error from {% load
comments %}, there should be no problems with the installation.
However, you might not actually run the command in the template, it
could be that you are writing it over with an extend tag. The error
hints that get_comment_count is an invalid tag, so you should test if
comments is loaded probably in your template.
Try loading comments directly above your tag and see what happens and
take it from there.


On 19 Jan., 21:01, Florian Lindner <mailingli...@xgm.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use the comment framework from Django 1.0.2.
> I've followed all the steps 
> inhttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/comments/
>   (added it to installed apps, added to urls.py and loaded in the  
> template: {% load comments % }) but I get:
> TemplateSyntaxError at /blog/1/
> Invalid block tag: 'get_comment_count'
> from:
> {% get_comment_count for object as comment_count %}
> object has just been created so probably no comment yet attached.
> What could have went wrong there?
> Thanks!
> Florian
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