Hi, I am having trouble working with a BoundField value in a template.

What I have is a IntergerField that is represented by a set of Radio
Buttons in html. I want to lay out these buttons myself, and plus
there's javascript involved.  I don't believe there's a way to do this
while letting the field render itself.

I need to have the "checked" attribute set for the appropriate radio
button, according to the bound field value on the form.    I am trying
to do this manually -- to print out "checked" inside the input element
a manual comparison of the bound field's value, but it isn't working.
 Note that I need to do this even when the form doesn't validate, so I
need to pull the value from form.field.initial or form.field.data
selectively, and so I have a template filter tag to do this.

Here's the code, isolated:

### a filter to get the bound field value independent of whether it
comes from initial/data
def boundvalue(boundfield):
        "Copied from BoundField.as_widget"
        if not boundfield.form.is_bound:
            data = boundfield.form.initial.get(boundfield.name,
            if callable(data):
                data = data()
            data = boundfield.data
        return data

### My Template
Boundvalue: {{ genform.use_floating|boundvalue }}  {# 'use_floating'
is the field name #}
{% ifequal form.use_floating|boundvalue "0" %}compared to "0"
(string){% endifequal %}
{% ifequal form.use_floating|boundvalue 0 %}compared to 0 (int){% endifequal %}
{% if form.use_floating|boundvalue %}compared true (boolean){% endif %}

### The HTML page:
Boundvalue: 0

compared true (boolean)

As you can see, I am getting some kind of string-typed output on the
page, so I've got *some* value. It casts to boolean true, but I
haven't been able to successfully compare it to 0.

If there's a better way to do this overall, I would also welcome
suggestions.  I am not especially attached to solving this using
string comparisons but the form.data hash seems to force me down this

Thank you

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