Hi ,

I have  pasted the code here , when i try to edit it always enters the else
condition. delete works fine
Please assist.

if request.method == 'GET':
#if request.has_key('edit_id'):
   if 'edit_id' in request.GET:
     # replace default form with form based on row to edit
      tst = TEST_QST.objects.get(pk=request.GET['edit_id'])

      import logging
      logging.debug("INSIDE 'edit_id' in request.GET  :::::::::: ----- %s"
%tst.qst_id )
      logging.debug("INSIDE 'edit_id' in request.GET  :::::::::: ----- >%s"
%request.GET['edit_id'] )
      SaveQstForm = forms.form_for_instance(tst)
      SaveQstForm.base_fields['qst'].widget =
widgets.Textarea(attrs={'label': 'xxx'})
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'name': 'qst'}))
      SaveQstForm.base_fields['test_id'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput()
      SaveQstForm.base_fields['test_cat_id'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput()
      SaveQstForm.base_fields['status'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput()
      SaveQstForm.base_fields['active'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput()

      form= SaveQstForm()
      submit_action = 'Update'
      edit_id = request.GET['edit_id']
      message = 'Editing Question ' + request.GET['edit_id']
      logging.debug("INSIDE 'edit_id' in request.GET  :::::::::: ----- %s"
%request.GET['edit_id'] )
      except Exception, e:
        import logging
        logging.error('%s while editing' % (e))

   if 'delete_id' in request.GET:
       import logging
       logging.debug("----- INSIDE 'delete_id' in request.GET ::::::::
 <----->%s" %request.GET['delete_id'])
       q_list = TEST_QST.objects.all()
       form= QstForm()
       message = 'Question deleted.'
     except Exception, e:
       q_list = TEST_QST.objects.all()
       form= QstForm()
       message = 'Error Deleting question !!!!!!!!!'

     import logging
     logging.debug("----- Inside all Other get Request ::::::::  <----->" )
     data = {'qst_id': '1',
              'test_id': request.session['ttype'],
              'test_cat_id': request.session['tcat'],
              'qst': 'please enter text here',
              'status': '1' ,
              'active': '1'
     form = QstForm(data)
     return render_to_response('editor1.html', {
'form': form,
'submit_action': submit_action

Thanks & regards

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