Hello Ryan,

Admittedly the docs at 
just say you need to create the template files "contact_form/
contact_form_subject.txt" and "contact_form/contact_form.txt" and not
much else, but in "contact_form_subject.txt" you need to put a subject
line. In "contact_form.txt" you can put something like:

The sender: {{ name }}
The sender's e-mail address: {{ email }}
Any comments: {% autoescape off %}{{ body }}{% endautoescape %}

I also found this helpful:


On Jan 16, 12:59 pm, chyea <ryanc...@unt.edu> wrote:
> What contexts are made available to the email templates (.txt files)?
> When I receive emails from the form provided by the default setup, I'm
> being given the following for both the subject, and the message of the
> email.
> <bound method ContactForm.subject of <contact.forms.ContactForm object
> at 0x80c85d0c>>
> Thank you in advance
> Ryan
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