Hi everyone,

I am a bit confused about how to do what follows, I would appreciate
any help.

My django project is very simple I have a upload zip page, this page
processes a zip file and it is being decompressed and stored in a
folder for further purposes.
After I check and unzip the file I call the return_to_render

return render_to_response('upload_OK.html', {'nombre': filename,
'size': filesize, 'type': filetype, 'msg': msg, 'is_ok': isOk,
'zip_list': zf.namelist(), 'item': file_inzip})

I have a link in the upload_ok.html that is supossed to show the files
inside the zip file (see below)

       <div id="container">
            <div id="header"><div id="header_left"></div>
            <div id="header_main">Analyst DEMO server</div><div
            <div id="content">
                <form action="." method="post" enctype="multipart/form-
data" name="zip_file" ><br>
                    <p id="f1_upload_process">Subiendo...<br><img
src="/media/img/admin/loader.gif" ><br></p>
                     <p id="f1_upload_form" align="center">
                              {% if is_ok %}
                                <li> {{ msg }} </li>
                                <li> {{ size|filesizeformat }}</li>
                                <li> Tipo de archivo: {{ type}}</li>
                                <div id="volver"><a href="http://aux/
unzip_results/">Visualizar ficheros descomprimidos</a></div>

The problem is that i have already the template that shows the results
and it works if I change the return render_to_response line by another
call to a different template. as the variables that I need are all in
the same function (check, unzip and store in a folder).

If I change the return render_to_response line by:

return render_to_response('unzip_OK.html', {'nombre':
filename,'zip_list': zf.namelist(), 'item': file_inzip, 'iNum':

it works as it shows the results. The thing is that I would like to
only show the results if the user wants to, once he sees that the zip
has been correctly processed (by clicking at the link)

How am I supossed to implement this, Can i pass parameters to another
function that calls the second return render_to_response ?

Thanks in advance


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