On 9 ene, 19:18, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You thus perhaps should not be doing video conversion within the same
> process, but executing a separate application to perform the
> conversion. Even then, you may need a queueing system or otherwise
> some way of restricting how many conversions can occur at a time,
> because even though performed by a separate application, it may still
> take up a lot of transient memory while running.

I'm using an ffmpeg call with commans.getoutput for the conversion, I
don't know if this means it runs in a separate process. I could put
another simple pure wsgi application running on some other port for
the conversion, but I don't know if this is what you mean.

> Also, from what I understand Django's abilities to serve up static
> files or streamed data, isn't that excellent. In particular, if
> hosting with WSGI capable server, it doesn't use the wsgi.file_wrapper
> extension. This extension ensures that files are streamed in blocks
> and the file is not read all into memory first in order to be able to
> send it. Also, if operating system provides it, Apache will use
> sendfile() or memory mapping techniques to return data in a much more
> efficient way. So, how exactly are you returning the converted data
> for Django to respond with?

At this moment I read the file and return the response from django, so
I guess this is a problem too. I think I could just serve the file
with nginx.

On 10 ene, 02:19, "Stefan Tunsch" <stun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was suggesting to give a shot of using ONLY nginx with Django.
> If you search in Google you'll find docs that help you setting that up.

Is this better than running django on apache? I mean, wouldn't nginx
be serving static files and running django at the same time? I thought
this was something to avoid.
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