> In the view for a single article, I would like to be able to pull up
>> related articles based on shared keywords. Just pulling up all the
>> articles that share at least one keyword would be to imprecise. What
>> I'd like to do is use some sort of weighting algorithm, so that if
>> there are articles that share 5 keywords they get pulled up while ones
>> that only share 1 do not. I've been thinking over ways to do this, but
>> they all seem to be fairly slow and processor intensive.
Also, if you are looking for performance, you may want to find a way to use
the SQL aggregation operations (Like Count, Avg, StdDev) to help you with
your problem.

That feature is scheduled for Django 1.1 and 'may' be merged into trunk
soon, for now you can use Russell's git repo by doing:

git clone 
git checkout -b --track aggregation origin/aggregation

Let us know how that goes.


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