
As a relatively new Django user but experienced web developer I just
found it counter-intuitive that the Form would set fields that are
nowhere specified or even mentioned in the request. To follow your
line of thought, a validation error should be raised if a required
field is not present, but this is not the case, the missing value is
just replaced silently by a default value. The empty string for me is
just an arbitrary value as would be any other value - it is highly
application dependent if the empty string is a sensible default value
for missing values.

On Jan 9, 2:18 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 07:08 -0800, Flo Ledermann wrote:

> No. Don't ask the form class to read your mind. Create a form that knows
> which fields it expects so that errors can be raised correctly and
> validation will occur normally.

I am not asking the form class to read my mind but to read the
request. I just didn't realize that django's Form concept is very
presentation oriented and is really (besides other things) a helper
for rendering forms in the template. I do not want to create a
ModelForm class for all possible subsets of fields I am going to use
in the presentation layer for updating the model (besides that, in a
clearly seperated scenario, I couldn't know in advance which fields
will be used in the presentation). What I want from a server-side form
class is a way of specifying how an incoming *request* is mapped to a
create/update operation on the model, no matter from which form of
presentation this request emerged.

To conclude, I believe there are three ways of dealing with missing
fields in the request:

1. Raise a validation error
2. Set the field to a default value or NULL
3. Ignore the field if not required or an update operation an an
existing instance is performed

In my opinion, items 1) and 3) are most intuitive and equally
consistent, so they should be chooseable by a flag. Option 2) is a bit
arbitrary in my opinion, but this is what django does.

Please correct me if I am wrong or if I am missing something, but even
after skipping through the source code of the form classes this is the
view that i got.

Best regards,


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