On 5 jan, 23:39, "django_fo...@codechimp.net" <codech...@gmail.com>
> I have a pretty simple template that needs to print some data in a
> bunch of table rows.  I have done something like this:
> <table>
> {% if my_art_list %}
>         {% count = 0 %}

This just won't work

>         {% for art in my_art_list %}
>                 {% if count%3 = 0 %}


>                 <tr>
>                 {% endif %}
>                         <td>
>                                 <img src="{{ art.img_path }}" alt="{{ 
> art.title }}" />
>                         </td>
>                 {% if count%3 = 2 %}


>                 </tr>
>                 {% endif %}
>         {% endfor %}
>         </tr>
> {% else %}
>         <p>You have no art pieces to view.  Would you like to add some?</p>
> {% endif %}
> </table>
> However, as you probably suspect, the "count" variables cause all
> sorts of trouble.

The first one being it's not valid.

>  Is there a way to have tracking variables in the
> template code?

Read the documentation for the {% for %} template tag - it sets a
{{ forloop.counter }} variable.


You may also want to have a look at the {% cycle %} tag (same page as
above), and / or be interested in the "partition" filters on

> I was under the impression that the {%  %} tags were
> just straight Python code

I don't know where you got this impression from. Oh, wait : you didn't
read the doc, did you ?

> and would execute as such, but apparently my
> understanding is a little less than adequate.

I do confirm !-)

> Please help me sort this out...

Well... What about reading the online documentation first ?-)

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