I tend to use:


so when using generic views it goes to os.getcwd()+'/static/templates/<appname>'
this lets me have my proyect live in different folders and run fine...

in your case it is specting a directory tree like this:

in other words you need to create a books dir:


and then put publisher_list.html in there

2009/1/5 knight <alexar...@gmail.com>:
> I think you can try accessing books/publisher_list.html instead of
> just publisher_list.html
> This should solve the problem, if I understand it correctly.
> Regards, Alex A.
> On Jan 4, 11:11 am, HB <hubaghd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> My Django project has the  following structure:
>> +++
>> djcode
>>        # Django files (urls.py ...)
>>        templates (for storing template pages)
>>        books
>>             # books application files (models.py ...)
>>             publisher_list.html
>> +++
>> Here is a snippet from settings.py
>>     os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'),
>> )
>> But when I'm trying to access publisher_list.html , I got this
>> exception:
>> /media/sda4/Projects/djcode/djdrive/templates/books/
>> publisher_list.html
>> TemplateDoesNotExist
>> I tried to add books folder to TEMPATES_DIRS, but I got the same
>> exception:
>> /media/sda4/Projects/djcode/djdrive/books/books/publisher_list.html
>> TemplateDoesNotExist
>> Any ideas?
>> #Platform Django 1.0.2
>> Thanks for help.
> >

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