On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:16 PM, garagefan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Server is Red Hat 7, set up by godaddy, its a virtual server. Python
> 2.5 w/ mod_python and python-devel installed. running latest django.
> I am using webmonkey.com's tutorial for this:
> http://www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Install_Django_and_Build_Your_First_App
> so you can find the blog app as well as the templates in there. The
> part that is working instantly is the "secondary" section located in
> the base.html template that the other two blog templates extend
> thanks for lookin

Ah, didn't realize that it was showing one part of the page and not
another.  Looks like the template tag in the "secondary" section
queries all of the blog post objects, while the main section uses the
"latest" variable from django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index.
According to the docs, "Objects with a date in the future are not
included (in latest) unless you set allow_future to True."


Any chance the dates on your posts are set to the future?  Is the date
set correctly on your server?


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