On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 14:24 -0300, Patricio Palma wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Karen Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>         Something like View->Page Source from the browser menu?
>         (That's what Firefox calls it -- I'd guess most browsers have
>         some such way to see the raw html for a page.)  Or am I
>         misunderstanding your question?
>         Karen
> You're right, so Can I keep this raw html in a local variable?
> something like this
> e.g
> >>> myRawPage = ViewPageSourceFromFireFoxMenu() 

If you want the data retrieved from the web page in Python, use
something like the urllib or urllib2 module to retrieve it (there's
nothing Django specific about that, it's just a standard Python module
and is documented in the Python documentation with lots of examples
available via Google).

There are Python interfaces to Mozilla-based browsers, but they are
fairly fiddly to use and, baesd on the questions you are asking,
probably a bit beyond where you're at now.


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