easy way how to solve it is to put definition of your choices out of model

CHOICES=((u'1','one'), (u'2',u'two'))

class Movie( Relic ):
 disk_type = models.CharField( 'Type', max_length=8, choices=CHOICES)

and then you can import CHOICES whereever you want and reuse it
from ......models import CHOICES

Donn Ingle wrote:
> Hello,
> In my model, I define the choices for a charfield. I make a ModelForm of
> that 
> model but I want my own widget for that field. How can I pass-through the 
> choices I defined in my model?
> Some code:
> class Movie( Relic ):
>  disk_type = models.CharField( 'Type', max_length=8,
> choices=((u'1','one'), 
> (u'2',u'two')), default=u'1' )
> class MovieForm( BasicRelicForm ):
>  disk_type = forms.CharField( widget = choicewidget( choices=?? )) 
>  class Meta:
>    model = Movie
> What would I put in the choices=?? line?
> I have found this voodoo: 
> forminstance._meta.model.disk_type.choices
> But it needs an instance to work.
> I could use a global var and repeat it twice, but I'd like to know if
> there's 
> a way to simply 'fetch' it from the model.
> Any clues?
> \d
> > 

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