On Nov 20, 1:30 pm, Justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We want to use email addresses as our site's login username, not just
> as an alternative authentication method. I figured a quick way to do
> this would be just changing the auth user model's username field to an
> EmailField instead of a CharField (I know this isn't the most robust
> solution). Nonetheless, the change is reflected in the manage.py
> sqlall output, and I took the appropriate steps to update the sql
> table. However, the changes are not reflected in the admin interface.
> When I try to Add User, it still won't accept an email string and
> displays the old help_text.
> How to make my change to the auth user model take effect?
> Thanks!
No need to reinvent the wheel and create a whole auth framework just
to enable e-mail. This is an extension of Django Registration that I
wrote that allows a user to just register entering in a email address.
The username is then auto created. Teamed up with authentication
backend from this comment: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/74/#c195
you have a full user system without needing usernames at all. Easy as
Let me know if you have any questions,
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