On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 18:51 -0800, mdnesvold wrote:
> I guess your patterns would get the job done, even if they don't play
> nicely with manage.py diffsettings. 

"diffsettings" only compares your settings file against global settings.
So application settings are only ever going to show up as new ("###") in
that list in any case.

> I guess I'm just so used to having
> multiple template (my_app/templates) or tag/filter directories (my_app/
> templatetags) that I feel like I should be able to have a file
> structure like
> my_site/
>         default-settings/
>             my_default_settings.py

And you can. Your users have to import your settings into their main
settings file's namespace to make it work; that's all.

> Is it worth opening a ticket over? Offhand, I think a patch would be
> pretty simple (and I'd volunteer to write it), although I haven't
> really looked at the code to see.

We have, in the past, consistently rejected proposals to make this sort
of change. The reason is that settings is one place where all the
applications start to interact with each other and so there are
frequently ordering requirements on settings (this middleware should go
before that one, etc). So once an application starts working with
settings that are shared by more than one application, things become
sufficiently complicated that forcing a human to work them out is the
simplest solution.

There's nothing wrong with "from somefile import *" if you want to
import all the settings from one file into the main settings' module
namespace. Settings files are created with Python, rather than any other
configuration language, for precisely that reason.

The portion you quoted from the documentation is talking about normal
user code that should not directly import settings files. Importing one
settings file fragment into another settings module as part of creating
the settings module all in the right namespace is something that happens
long before you are using settings in your code.


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