On 13 nov, 01:52, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just to add some more information - I have been messing around with
> making the upload_to a callable, but I still have the same problem in
> that I need to build the path based on information that only exists
> during runtime (that is, a call to a view). Basically, I don't know
> the value of upload_to until I'm in the view. Ideally I'd like to do
> the following actions in views.py:
> - import the model
> - set the upload_to value
> - save the file

Don't know if this can apply to your problem, but here's what we did:

# models.py

def get_upload_path(instance, filename):
    # store images under MEDIA_ROOT/myimages/<username>/filename
    return os.path.join("myimages", instance.owner.username, filename)

class Image(Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey(User)
    image_file = ImageField(
    # etc...

Then it's just a matter of passing the request.user to the model (or
to the form) within the view.


 What to do?
> - Tim
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