> This idea is a little more sound, and is certainly in the realm of the
> possible. I have some plans to improve fixture loading as a part of my
> work on ticket #7052; Adding a --noclobber option would be a
> reasonable extension to this work. I would suggest opening a ticket so
> that the idea isn't forgotten. If you want to work on a patch, that
> would be even better.

Glad I'm not crazy :-)

I've submitted a ticket as you suggested here:
I just hope my explanation wasn't too cryptic...

Django looks for a file called initial_data.* in each of the
> <app>/fixture directories, plus each of the directories mentioned in
> settings.FIXTURE_DIRS, plus the current working directory. The same
> rules apply for any other fixture name. So - if you can currently load
> initial_data.json, renaming it bootstrap.json is all you need to do.
> Django's fixture loader doesn't use directory names as part of the
> lookup scheme unless explicitly instructed to do so as part of the
> settings.FIXTURE_DIRS option. Unless you particularly want to have
> your fixtures in separate directories, there is no need to move
> initial_data into a different directory.

Thats good to know, I will make that change.

Thanks for your time Russ.


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