Hi Brian,

Thanks for your comment. I completely understand what you are saying,
and anyone trying to match the "?" character should take note, but in
this situation I am using it to try to tell Django that that named
group in the regular expression may, or may not, be included.


On Nov 4, 5:33 pm, Brian Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 4, 10:50 am, redmonkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My problem is with the URL writing. I first wrote some unit tests to
> > find the regular expressions that worked but Django doesn't seem to
> > like the '?' in URL configurations.
> ? is a special character in regular expressions, just like $, ^, etc.
> You must escape it if you want to use it literally, e.g. \?. However,
> I don't think the ? as part of any GET arguments in a URL are going to
> be available to you, from what I remember about django works.
> I'm not really following what you are trying to do however.
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