> A slightly fuller description of your intended page structure might let
> people provide more accurate answers to your needs.

Let http://pow.dzierzoniow.pl be my fuller explanation. This page is
my old project written in php on Kohana framework.
There is one 'app' used to generate both menus (i just need to point
an id), then language changing mechanism is another 'app'. content
display is another, news is another and so on...

I made a special mechanizm as an addition to the generic parser to
return any controller's method response inside template as a string,
whenever I decide to generate and add some "app based(in django's
meaning)" content from library of complited solutions.

I've got controllers made as logical apps (controllers named
particularly) and whenever I need f.e. menu inside base layout, I
simply put {#menus/show/1} which means - return here compiled
controllers(menus) method(show) of menu with id (1).
This gives me the power to return response to any template from any
controllers 'public' method.

I'm not trying to find identical solution to feel satified with
django. I'm trying to learn django's way to glue decoupled apps inside
one template. But I persume, 'my way' from Kohana is quite logical so
I used to think in that way.

custom tags are just to much fuss for me but if it IS django's way to
create full portal template, fine.
or mayby there is one, more intuitive, simple, better ?

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