On Nov 1, 10:40 am, "Tomáš Brambora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a standard Django installation without any changes in the
> settings (except adding mysql db to the settings.py) and I'm sending
> the message to localhost:8000, so there is no proxy or anything else
> in the way. Still, the request body comes after me sending the
> response...
As I said in the other similar thread you created about this.
If you are getting empty input on read, then you are using hosting
mechanism that doesn't properly filter out chunked request content as
not being supported and instead assumes that content length of
request was 0.
In other words, chunked request content is not supported. Most hosting
mechanisms will flag it as an error. The internal Django development
server appears just to assume that content length on request is 0
since Content-Length header wouldn't be set. Thus why you are seeing
no input.
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:50 PM, Graham Dumpleton
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> I'm trying to receive a possibly large XML message via HttpRequest
> >> (POST method) with chunked encoding. However, when I send a response,
> >> I found out (using Wireshark) that the response is being sent before
> >> the whole POST request body is available. I expected Django to be
> >> buffering the chunks and that the request would be complete, but
> >> that's apparently not happening...
> >> I'm reading the body like this:
> >> request.POST.values()[0]
> >> (Which is probably a wrong way, but I don't know how to do it
> >> otherwise.)
> > What hosting mechanism are you using. Anything that uses WSGI (eg,
> > mod_wsgi, fastcgi/flup) or mod_python will not work as neither WSGI
> > specification or mod_python support chunked transfer encoding on
> > request content. Certainly for mod_python and mod_wsgi, it should give
> > an error back before even gets to Django saying that content length
> > required to be set.
> > Graham
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