
Thanks for the reply!

On Oct 28, 4:57 pm, Brian Gershon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just ran into this same issue.  I eventually figured out that adding
> TEST_DATABASE_NAME to (to prevent Django from using the
> default memory database for sqlite) works around the issue.

So do you just specify a filename and run your tests in sqlite, but
non in an in-memory db?

> > As far as debugging the memory database problem, I was getting the
> "IntegrityError: may not be NULL" error.
> I traced this down to this line:
> emit_post_sync_signal(models.get_models(), verbosity, interactive)
> in /django/core/management/commands/
> If I comment out that line, the error does not arise.

Yeah, a coworker and I were finding the same thing... it's mysterious.
Some of the tests run just fine, but on a few that line raises the
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