James Bennett wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We have an alias set up in postfix that sends the e-mail to our script
>> via a pipe.
>> The python script imports our Django models, and parses the e-mail
>> message with the email module, and does what it needs to.
> You can also use Python's built-in SMTP server module to set up a
> lightweight server process, and have your regular MTA forward messages
> to it. This lets the entire mail-processing routine happen in Python,
> which is often a bit easier to set up.
> See Doug Hellmann's recent PyMOTW article on this for some basic
> details: http://blog.doughellmann.com/2008/10/pymotw-smtpd.html

This sounds like the best of both worlds option. One python process for
all e-mails without the overhead of having to check the e-mail
passively. A second server still needs to be run, but if you aren't
already running a mail server that "disadvantage" goes away. I may
consider switching to this.

Jeff Anderson

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