On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:42 AM, KillaBee wrote:

> I keep getting this error that says ViewDoesNotExist:  Could not
> import intranet.timesheets.views. Error was: No module named User.  No
> i do not have a User module, I don't want nor need one.  How do I find
> out Where it is being call at?  I got this error today, and I have
> been trying to get the users logged in.  I do have A feild in my times
> model named user, and Have been getting errors about not know what
> username is.  not sure where it's coming from.
> View:  Because It is an error in the view I was thinking that it was
> in the view.py or a template.  no matter want the url or view is bing
> used it still comes up.  Does that sound like I am looking in the
> right spot?

I can't tell what's going on, but you have a whole lot of extraneous  
and redundant imports in your views module, including importing  
auth.models.User where you don't need it; try cleaning up your imports  
first. Importing auth and then in the next line doing 'from auth  
import x y z' is only going to make debugging harder.

Another thing to note, though I don't know quite what it means, is  
that the error message "No module named User" indicates that something  
is doing "import User" rather than "from <somewhere> import User".  
That could help track down the problem.


> error                       http://dpaste.com/85152/
> url                           http://dpaste.com/85153/
> views                       http://dpaste.com/85154/
> models                    http://dpaste.com/85158/
> Hope you can understand the problem.
> >

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