On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 18:23 -0400, J wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on a bilingual website in django for which the visitor has
> the option of choosing which language he/she prefers. All the
> interface, as well as the content, will be available in Spanish and
> English. The interface is set up to be handled by gettext and django's
> has excellent support for that.
> I'm having a hard time right now with the bilingual "posts" system,
> which is for contributors to add articles in different categories.
> Each post will have two items for it, one in each language.
> The way I've got it set up in the models is:
> ######
> # The parent of all the posts,
> # only one item per post in here
> ######
> class Post(models.Model):
>     referencetitle = models.CharField(max_length=30)
>     date = models.DateTimeField('Date')
> ######
> # language content for each post
> # there will be two items per post in here, one for each language
> ######
> class PostI18N(models.Model):
>     post = models.ForeignKey(Post)
>     slug = models.SlugField(
>         'Slug',
>         help_text='Automatically built from the title.'
>     )
>     title = models.CharField('Title', max_length=30)
>     body = models.TextField('Body Text')
>     lang = models.CharField(max_length = 5, choices =
> settings.LANGUAGES)
> How do it do this in views so that I only get the "PostI18N" items
> that are in the current language chosen by the users,

There's a currently undocumented function in django.utils.translation
called get_language() that you can use to return the currently active
locale. So something like

will filter out only the articles matching the current language. You can
safely use that function, even though I said it was undocumented. That's
because it will be documented inside the next 48 hours. I'm currently
rewriting the i18n documentation and just made a note to include that (I
hadn't realised until just now that we had left it out).

>  and how do I iterate through both of these models at the same time in
> templates so that I can access the Date field from the related table
> ("Post") to sort them, but display the main content fields from
> "PostI18N".

Sorting is generally best done in the view. Even better, sorting can be
done by the database at selection time. Modifying the above queryset,
you could write


> I'm initially attempting to display this data using generic views
> (django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index). Do you think these
> generic views can handle something like this? If not, how would I
> write an equivalent custom view?

Generic views can handle anything you can create as a queryset. However,
the above queryset actually depends on some information that is not
available until the view is active (you can't compute it once). This is
because the results of get_language() depend on the locale. So you would
need to wrap things up like this:

        def my_view(request, ....):
           qs = PostI18N... # <-- as above
           return archive_index(qs, ....)
That way, the get_language() call is executed each time in the right


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