> Hi guys,
> Firstly, I want to say that I've had some great help from you guys so
> far - you've really helped me solve a lot of problems. I'm looking
> forward to the time when I have enough experience to answer other
> questions!
> Anyway...I'm having quite a bit of difficulty figuring out what is
> making my site so slow.
> The site is running off of a combination of Nginx and Apache. Nginx
> handles all media requests and Apache handles anything dynamic.
> However, regardless of whether I use Nginx/Apache or the Django
> development server (!) I still seem to get the same number of requests
> when I use ApacheBench to hit the server.
> Right now, I'm getting about 10 requests/second using these
> parameters:
> ab -A user:pass -c 10 -t 30 http://myservername.com/

The -A option only does HTTP Basic authentication. Normally if using
authentication for Django it it form authenticated sessions and so
something completely different. Thus this may not be doing what you
think it is.

Also, ab will only request the page for that specific URL, it does not
do sub requests for inline images, styles sheets etc. So your comments
about static files isn't relevant.

Finally, the underlying web server is generally not the bottleneck,
but your application and database are. Because Django has quite a bit
of overhead, often you may not see much difference in performance when
you use different hosting mechanisms.


> Where, obviously, user/pass and myservername.com are correct for my
> server.
> Now I realise that ab is not a one size fits all performance tester,
> but I am interested in why the "ballpark" figures given from it are
> slow.
> If I remove all static content from the page, but still load the HTML
> template and an image, it jumps to ~35 req/s. If I comment out the
> WHOLE template, but still run the view (which does nothing more than
> pass an empty context to the response handler), it goes to ~52 req/s.
> When I run Django without ANY of my code (i.e. just with the "It
> worked!" message), I get around 300 req/s.
> Firstly, could somebody tell me why am I seeing the same performance
> with the Django dev server as I am on the Nginx/Apache combo?
> Especially since I know that the dev server CRAWLS when serving media.
> I've been looking at previous posts on the user group on the subject
> of site slowdown and a common theme seems to be keeping "KeepAlive"
> on. I tried turning that off in Apache and it made no difference
> whatsoever. Part of me is concerned my Nginx/Apache config is not up
> to scratch. I definitely know that Nginx is handling the media because
> I can turn Apache off and then point the browser directly to a media
> file and it is served. However, I'm completely at a loss as to how to
> begin. I've installed the Profiling Middleware, but it just tells me
> that the majority of time is spent here:
> 47.8%   0.022 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/template/
> __init__.py
> 32.6%   0.015 **/**/**/**/site/templatetags/common.py
> Is there anything really obvious that I may be missing? Any debug
> settings I may have forgotten to turn off? I've set
> MaxRequestsPerChild to 100000 so I don't think that it's that.
> PythonDebug is off in httpd.conf.
> If you would like any config files to help you assess the problem,
> I'll gladly post them here.
> Thanks for all your help so far and the time taken to read this! It's
> very much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mike.
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