> We have an online application for school, where we request the
> individuals SSN and PharmCAS information. The application will be at
> say www.oursite.com/application/. Since we're gathering sensitive
> data, I want to obviously make this secure using https:// I don't want
> the rest of the site to be on secure, just the online app part of the
> site. What would be the best way to do this? Create a subdomain,
> https://application.oursite.com/ or can I just secure
> https://www.oursite.com/application/ ?
The way to do it is to implement redirects where necessary. I have an
app that is public-facing on regular http. There are no comments or
logins, it is simply a presentation layer for what we add in the admin.
I have an apache redirect for /admin/* that redirects to the admin on an
instance of the site served over SSL. There is also a middleware that
exists so Django can handle the redirects. There are a few different
incarnations of it here: http://www.djangosnippets.org/tags/ssl/

Hopefully this is what you need!

Jeff Anderson

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