Using Django v1.0.

One of my models is a standard address table.  I knew about
us.models.PhoneNumberField, so I used that for a phone number field.  It
uses us.forms.USPhoneNumberField so that validation works nicely on an
Admin form.  Same thing for USStateField.

While there is are phone number and US state model fields, there doesn't
seem to be the equivalent zip code field, even though there is a zip
code form element.  Not sure why that would be.

I've searched around, but the best I get are syntax errors (at least
Python/Django complains about a syntax error when I try to set up a form
and have my zip code field use USZipCodeField).

Given that, how do you actually tell the Admin form to use
us.forms.USZipCodeField for a given model field or somehow associate the
zip code model field with USZipCodeField?  Right now my zip code model
is a CharField() for lack of a better choice.

Thanks for any links, pointers, examples, etc.
Adam Stein @ Xerox Corporation       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Disclaimer: Any/All views expressed
here have been proven to be my own.  []

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