> {% for machine in web %}
>   {% for status_message in  status.machine %}
> ...
> So, i want to be able to do something like status.machine..

If there's a BETTER way, I'd love to hear it too, but this is usually
accomplished with a custom filter.
It's commonly named "getattr", and your template would change like so:

{% load myfilters %}
{% for machine in web %}
  {% for status_message in  status|getattr:machine %}

You don't need to name it "myfilters.py", but the custom "getattr"
filter code MUST be in a directory named "templatetags/".  Mine is a
little different (I didn't bother with the "default value"
capability), but I used the same basic concepts as:
http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/38/ (Read RichardBronosky's
comment too!)
http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/411/ (if you want to get a
little fancier)

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