Thanks Bruno,

I'd already tried that - I noticed that with or without the
use_for_related_field being set on the Custom Manager the effect was
the same - ie. the RelatedManager fires off it's own code without
actually using the MyCurrentSiteManager instance that is already
associated with the Model Class.

At the moment my solution has been to do:

  def _get_conferences(self):
    return Conference.objects.filter(venue=self)
  conferences = property(_get_conferences)

I'm not sure this is the best way, but I am basing that on my reading

Any advice on as to whether or not this is the best way to get the
solution I am after appreciated!


On Sep 22, 10:01 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 22 sep, 01:49, gaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (snip)> I have overloaded the default manager in my model to use a slight
> > variant of the CurrentSiteManager, shown below.
> (snip)
> > What I am seeing is that the following queries work and present only
> > the objects which are on the site (Venue) or objects which are related
> > to a Venue on the site (Conference):
> > Venue.objects.all()
> > Conference.objects.all()
> > However, if I try to get the related objects of a Venue object, I get
> > an error as below:
> (snip)
> I might be wrong (only had a very cursory glance at your code), but
> I'd say you want to have a look at this:
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