Hi Erik,

Thank you a lot for your reply. I looked more deeply into Django +
LDAP + Active Directory connectivity and it looks that an
authentication/authorization is viable and can be achieved. Here is
the link for potential solution: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/501/

Thnks a lot for links toward multiple-DB connectivity. I will
definitely investigate. Of course I may have further things to be
cleared out for me regarding the topic, so I may return with further
question later this week.

Again, thanks a lot.


On Sep 22, 11:21 am, Erik Allik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi and welcome to Django!
> On 22.09.2008, at 11:39, Bubblegum wrote:
> > I am searching for a solution to following problem. I was asked to
> > write a simple web UI for particular organization, who uses M$ Active
> > Directory for authentication/authorization purposes. Moreover their
> > DBs are Firebird/Interbase exclusively. They have plenty of em on
> > multiple hosts... The web UI I am about to write will gradually take
> > over all the databases and their systems.
> > I was left freedom to pick own environment for the task. So I opted
> > for a Linux box and Python. I want to avoid using PHP if possible. But
> > I am not sure if with Django I am on a right track, so I am looking
> > for an advice while I dig too deep finding I went wrong direction.
> What are your functional/feature/performance etc. requirements? Not  
> that I'm an expert on this but someone more experienced can help you  
> if you provide more information.
> > First I want to use company's Active Directory to do authentication/
> > authorization. I know that I can interact with Active Directory over
> > Python's LDAP module. I am not sure if I can force Django to use
> > Active Directory instead of default DB authentication/authorization. I
> > am sure I will have to write a module for that. I just want to know if
> > it is possible and maybe some entry point for the start.
> There's really lots of articles and material to be found on the  
> internet about Django and LDAP authentication. Writing a custom  
> authentication backend for Django is not difficult. Lots of people  
> need to authenticate against LDAP so I'm sure you'll find existing  
> working code for ya.
> > Second issue is with the RDBMS they use. It is Firebird/Interbase with
> > several databases on several hosts. So far I found that there is a
> > Firebird database connector for Django. So I assume that I will be
> > able to use Models and other cool Django's DB stuff with Firebird as
> > well. What I am concerned is that as far as I understand Django is
> > commited to single mutually exclusive relationship to just one
> > database. I need to know whether I can tell Django that there are
> > different hosts and different databases in a real world and that a
> > little bit of promiscuity won't hurt. Especially when the
> > authentication/authorization will be done through different means and
> > not through the DB.
> The multiple database support thing comes up a lot lately. There are  
> plans to implement this in Django as the lower level of the ORM  
> already supports multiple databases. Django still lacks a friendly  
> multi-DB API but I think you can still connect to multiple databases  
> for now using the the somewhat raw approach and wait for Django 1.1  
> (or when the multi-db branch has been created).
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/MultipleDatabaseSupport
> A recent discussion (that's still going on I think) about multiple  
> database support which I believe will give you clues about how to use  
> multiple databases right 
> now:http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread...
> Erik
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